
class FileOpenRequest(context: ComponentActivity) : Closeable

Prompt the user to open a document

Manages Android activity/intent required to open a document in shared storage and read its contents using a FileChannel. This class must be initialized in ComponentActivity.onCreate, then can be used to create message buffers for use with the MessageBuilder returned from IRemoteSupportClient.getMessageBuilder.


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fun FileOpenRequest(context: ComponentActivity)

Create empty File open request


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open override fun close()

Unregister the activity result request

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suspend fun <T> openFile(vararg mimetype: String, scopedReader: suspend (FileChannel) -> T): T?

Prompt the user to open a file. After the user selects a file, the scopedReader is executed on a read-only FileChannel created from the file selected by the user. The FileChannel is closed after scopedReader finishes executing.