Package com.cygnusreach


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Screen capture initializer for use in IRemoteSupportClient.addScreenSharing. This class must be initialized in ComponentActivity.onCreate, then can be used to create an instance of VideoStreamConfiguration that can be passed to IRemoteSupportClient.addScreenSharing.

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class CygnusReachPermissionRequest(context: ComponentActivity) : Closeable

Manages Android activity/intent required to request multiple permissions. This class must be initialized in ComponentActivity.onCreate, then can be used to request Android permissions using requestPermissions.

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class FileOpenRequest(context: ComponentActivity) : Closeable

Prompt the user to open a document

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class FileSaveRequest(context: ComponentActivity) : Closeable

Shared storage intent request

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interface IClientProxy : IMessageSender, Closeable
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object RemoteSupport

Static methods to manage the RemoteSupportService and related singleton objects

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class RemoteSupportService : Service

Cygnus Reach Remote Support foreground service enables screen sharing on the Android platform

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class RemoteSupportServiceConnection

Cygnus Reach remote support foreground service connection allows communication between the foreground service and your application. Call connect to connect to a running instance of the foreground service. Once connected, call getRemoteSupportClient to retrieve the IRemoteSupportClient hosted by the foreground service. To disconnect from the foreground service, call disconnect.

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Connection state values for the RemoteSupportServiceConnection