
class MessageBuilder

Builds a POCO object that can be sent to a remote peer via IRemoteSupportClient.sendCommand, IRemoteSupportClient.sendNotification, and IRemoteSupportClient.sendQuery

Should be fetched via the IRemoteSupportClient.getMessageBuilder to ensure there are no differences between the MessageCategory used to initialize them, as this can lead to issues decoding/encoding messages.


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fun MessageBuilder()


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fun buildCommand(    data: TaggedValue,     category: IUserMessageCategory,     acknowledgeOn: Byte = CommandAcknowledgementType.received): Command

Builds a new Command with the given parameters

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fun buildNotification(data: TaggedValue, category: IUserMessageCategory): Notification

Builds a new Notification with the given parameters

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fun buildQuery(data: TaggedValue, category: IUserMessageCategory): Query

Builds a new Query with the given parameters